Girl dies after measles infection
November 5th, 2013
Babushka midwives, bearing the burden
October 30th, 2013
Mapping the impact of measles outbreaks
October 30th, 2013
Polio Eradication: Bringing Vaccines to the World
October 24th, 2013
WHO green light for Japanese encephalitis vaccine
October 22nd, 2013
Humans vs viruses: the battle continues
October 17th, 2013
Case study: Pharmacists & flu vaccines in Portugal
October 10th, 2013
Are we on the verge of a universal flu vaccine?
October 7th, 2013
Immunisation: It’s good to talk
September 24th, 2013
Doctors tell doctors: ‘Get your flu shot’
September 23rd, 2013
Parents dedicate pertussis vaccine victory to their daughter
September 20th, 2013
Measles & rubella elimination plan ‘under threat’
September 15th, 2013
Vaccinology courses: filling a medical education gap
September 12th, 2013
17 Countries Gather to Share Immunisation Financing Progress
September 9th, 2013
Measles: Europe’s shameful export
September 5th, 2013
Flu vaccination ‘a social responsibility’
September 2nd, 2013
Flu vaccine advertising: does it work?
August 29th, 2013
Why has France not yet eliminated measles?
August 26th, 2013
Europe’s 49 measles deaths: ‘tragic and unacceptable’
January 31st, 2018
Kaunas: A city embracing flu vaccination during pregnancy
January 28th, 2018
How Ireland rescued falling HPV vaccination rates
January 24th, 2018
MMR rates fall in Poland – despite mandatory vaccination rules
January 18th, 2018
Special Report: How Italy harmonised 21 vaccine schedules
January 11th, 2018
Special Report: Bringing immunisation to life
January 10th, 2018
Special Report: Italy’s Calendar for Life
January 9th, 2018
Special Report: How Italy embraced lifelong vaccination
January 8th, 2018
HPV vaccines are safe – but search engines mislead parents
January 4th, 2018
Finland: No jab, no job?
December 21st, 2017
Pregnancy & health: protecting you and your baby
December 13th, 2017
Meningitis vaccination: research tests teenagers’ knowledge
December 8th, 2017
New vaccines to protect babies during pregnancy
December 7th, 2017
Vaccines are not just for kids – they’re for life
December 5th, 2017
Mandatory vaccination: does it work in Europe?
November 27th, 2017
Want to improve vaccination rates? Make it easy for parents
November 23rd, 2017
Vaccine champions: working to improve immunisation for all
November 23rd, 2017
Organ transplantation: I need your protection
January 28th, 2020
First do no harm: the value of flu vaccinations for healthcare staff
September 19th, 2019
Nurses are on the frontline in the battle against superbugs
September 11th, 2019
Measles in Brazil – an unwelcome return
October 9th, 2018
‘Europe is sending us measles’
February 24th, 2017
New book helps parents make informed choices
June 29th, 2016
Cancer in developing countries: the role of vaccines
November 28th, 2013
Polio Eradication: Bringing Vaccines to the World
October 24th, 2013
17 Countries Gather to Share Immunisation Financing Progress
September 9th, 2013
How measles can change a life
March 9th, 2013
Demand for measles vaccination
September 24th, 2012
Vaccines can spare families’ trauma
September 21st, 2012
Why vaccinate your child?
September 16th, 2012
Could the death of my daughter have been prevented?
September 10th, 2012
Meningitis: adding the public health perspective
August 28th, 2012
On the frontlines of cancer prevention through vaccination
August 23rd, 2012
Autism: a mother’s story
June 22nd, 2012
We need an AIDS vaccine!
July 7th, 2015
Amy’s story: losing limbs, finding meaning
June 15th, 2015
Is chicken pox dangerous?
April 22nd, 2015
‘I Immunise’ – a parent explains why they vaccinate
January 2nd, 2015
Nurses who vaccinate
August 11th, 2014
Losing my daughter to meningitis
July 23rd, 2014
Reflections of a former vaccine sceptic
July 15th, 2014
Aoibhe’s story
July 4th, 2014
Audrey’s Story
June 9th, 2014
Growing Up Unvaccinated
May 1st, 2014
Meningococcal septicaemia: Kathleen’s story
April 30th, 2014
How measles can change a life
March 9th, 2013
Vaccines can spare families’ trauma
September 21st, 2012
Why vaccinate your child?
September 16th, 2012
Could the death of my daughter have been prevented?
September 10th, 2012