WHO advice for vaccination drop-outs
April 24th, 2012
Can doctors address parents’ vaccine questions?
April 23rd, 2012
What influences vaccination decisions?
April 23rd, 2012
Vaccine scares: what role do the media play?
April 20th, 2012
What role can advertising play in healthy behaviour?
April 18th, 2012
‘Health advocates must embrace social media’
April 17th, 2012
Immunisation: reviving the ‘social contract’
April 16th, 2012
‘New thinking can engage public in science’
April 16th, 2012
Whooping cough: A parent’s story
April 13th, 2012
Haitians wait for vaccines as rainy season looms
April 5th, 2012
Eastern Europe facing TB funding crisis
March 26th, 2012
Measles crisis: 5,000 new cases in Ukraine
March 26th, 2012
The rise and rise of vaccination
September 13th, 2016
Vaccination a priority for asylum seekers
September 5th, 2016
Red alert over yellow fever
August 31st, 2016
Reaching Roma: Vaccinating under-served minorities
August 16th, 2016
Edging closer: polio eradication in sight
August 10th, 2016
Vaccine messages: keep it simple
August 1st, 2016
Photo competition: Where will vaccines take you?
July 11th, 2016
Meet the scientist using comics to save lives
July 8th, 2016
Critically-acclaimed film brings HPV stories to life
June 23rd, 2016
Why parents fear vaccines – and why they shouldn’t
June 21st, 2016
Vaccines: a case study of false balance on TV
June 15th, 2016
Vaccination policy: what role for ethical values?
January 16th, 2012
Preventing cancer-causing infections
October 3rd, 2011
Flu vaccines can help keep older people out of hospital
September 28th, 2011
Influenza pandemics – a brief history
September 26th, 2011
The socio-economic burden of influenza
September 23rd, 2011
Did pandemic preparedness help Europe deal with H1N1?
September 15th, 2011
Vaccine researchers have new targets in their sights
January 10th, 2011