This is the 10th anniversary of the annual event organised by the World Health Organisation’s Regional Office for Europe.
This slogan is ‘Prevent. Protect. Immunize.’ and will see events hosted by national health authorities, health professionals and patient organisations amongst others.
High on the agenda are measles and rubella elimination, sustaining Europe’s polio-free status, new vaccine introduction, vaccine safety and surveillance of invasive bacterial diseases.
Several countries will be conducting supplementary immunisation activities (SIAs) to target hard-to-reach groups and close immunisation gaps, according to the WHO.
Information campaigns using traditional and social media as well as press events with the participation of policymakers will take place to raise awareness about the benefits and importance of immunisation.
European Immunisation Week is supported by the GAVI Alliance, the Measles and Rubella Initiative, Rotary International, Lions Clubs International, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Bloggers from various parts of the region and beyond will contribute their personal perspectives to the campaign website and various information materials will be launched by WHO/Europe on a dedicated EIW campaign site.
Vaccines Today will have new articles every day throughout the week. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more