HPV vaccination: what about boys?

Gary Finnegan

Gary Finnegan

April 25th, 2017

Gary Finnegan

‘Some experts argue that HPV vaccine programmes should be for everyone – others suggest high uptake of existing programmes would suffice ’

This post was published on April 25, 2017 and may be out of date

Vaccines against human papilloma viruses (HPV) have been freely available to girls in many countries for a decade. The vaccines have reduced the number of cases of HPV infection, which is expected to translate into fewer cervical cancer deaths for decades to come.

A group of doctors, policymakers and patients is calling for boys to be included in the programme. Others are not so sure, arguing that successful HPV programmes for adolescent girls would offer significant benefits for boys too: if the viruses are no longer circulating so widely, it may curb cases of HPV-related cancer in men.

Those advocating extending the programme say there are two reasons to consider this option. ‘A gender-neutral HPV vaccine programme could directly benefit males by reducing their risk of head and neck cancer, and it would potentially benefit the entire community by reducing the spread of HPV generally,’ said Dr Robert O’Connor, Head of Research at the Irish Cancer Society. ‘This would further reduce cervical cancers thanks to the herd effect.’

Speaking at a workshop at the European Parliament, Dr O’Connor said the overall incidence of HPV-related head and neck cancers is rising, prompting several European countries to expand their programmes to all children aged 11-12. He emphasised the life-changing effect of HPV-related cancers, adding that treatment for head and neck cancers can have a profound impact on quality of life.

‘Surgery and radiotherapy for head and neck cancers can be hugely debilitating,’ he said. ‘Having part of your neck, mouth or tongue removed, or suffering radiation damage can affect the ability to eat and communicate.’

Dr O’Connor said he had arranged for his own son to have the HPV jab privately, and knows several clinicians who have done likewise. ‘Having looked at all the information on safety and efficacy, I had no problem encouraging my own son to have the vaccine,’ he said. ‘Most cancer doctors I’ve spoken with have had their kids vaccinated because they see how easily this can be prevented.’

However, Dr O’Connor said that while scientists and doctors have the information and resources to ensure their sons are vaccinated, it would be far better if this protection were recommended to all.

Italy protecting boys and girls

Professor Paolo Bonanni, University of Florence, said the case for vaccinating boys and girls continues to strengthen. ‘It has progressively become clear that males are also affected by important and sometimes lethal HPV-related diseases and – unlike women – they are not covered by any screening programme,’ he said. ‘In the meantime, the decrease in vaccine costs and the reduction of the recommended number of doses in adolescents have made HPV vaccination of boys an important and cost-effective measure.’

Professor Bonanni, who is also a member of the Vaccines Today Editorial Board, said several countries – including Italy – have taken the lead by introducing universal adolescent HPV vaccination. ‘My hope is that this crucial preventive tool is soon offered to all adolescents in Europe,’ he said.

Herd effects

While attendees at the workshop made the case for extending the programme to boys, other experts caution against rushing a decision. The number of HPV-related cancers today remains high but few of the individuals developing these diseases now had the benefit of a HPV vaccination programme during their schooldays.

Where female-only HPV programmes have high uptake, this may provide a herd effect that also extends indirect protection to males. This would still leave gay men at risk, possibly requiring a targeted programme for that subpopulation.

As HPV vaccines are relatively new, they are still more expensive than established vaccines against diseases such as measles or tetanus. That is why the budgetary implications of expanding the programme to all are being closely studied.

In the UK, for example, an expert panel has been working with sophisticated mathematical models to determine whether the additional benefits of vaccinating boyss are great enough to justify the costs. Published minutes of a meeting of the group earlier this year show the issue was considered in detail.

Prof Marc Brisson of Laval University, Quebec, presented an analysis of 16 HPV vaccination models. He said that if coverage of girls is above 80%, vaccinating boys brings little additional benefit. ‘Vaccinating boys would only give substantial impact when coverage in girls is very low,’ the report noted. ‘The advantages in vaccinating boys were that you would get a more rapid impact and there is a possibility of even achieving eradication.’ Results of cost-effectiveness modelling are expected in June.

Call to action

The European Parliament event, hosted by MEP Nessa Childers on the occasion of European Immunisation Week, saw the launch of a new report: Improving health equity and cancer prevention outcomes: HPV vaccination for boys and girls.

Dr Marc Van Ranst of the University of Leuven, one of the authors of the report, said the best way to use HPV vaccines was to make them freely available to boys and girls, and to promote the importance of preventative measures.

‘Further reducing the burden of HPV-related cancers can only be achieved through promoting HPV vaccination, enhancing public education on HPV and making HPV vaccination a priority in national cancer control policies,’ he said.

The report contains seven policy recommendations:

  • Promote HPV vaccination as a safe and effective way to control cancers
  • Define and monitor HPV vaccination coverage rates for boys and girls
  • Public education on HPV to raise awareness of the disease and of vaccination
  • Facilitate communication from health professionals to the public
  • Make HPV vaccination a priority in national cancer control policies
  • Invest in universal HPV vaccination
  • Invite the ECDC to consider recommending HPV vaccination programmes in boys


  1. Avinash Bansal

    Avinash Bansal

    April 25th, 2017

    If coverage & demand increase forHPV vaccine for both sex, the cost may decrease.I hope we have enough doses to successfully implement the program.

  2. Peter Baker

    Peter Baker

    May 5th, 2017

    80+% vaccination rates in females might protect many males against HPV infection if they were achieved in every country but we are currently very far from that. Many countries, even in Europe, have no vaccination programmes for girls or very low uptake rates. In the absence of a programme for men, they are left at risk of infection from unvaccinated women from their own or other countries. And, of course, men who have sex with men are completely unprotected by girls-only programmes. The only effective, and equitable, solution is universal vaccination.