Nature turns spotlight on vaccines

Gary Finnegan

Gary Finnegan

June 10th, 2011

Gary Finnegan

‘Leading scientific journal, Nature, has published a special edition focusing on vaccines. ’

This post was published on June 10, 2011 and may be out of date

Cover_natureThe publication includes a series of news features, comment pieces and research papers looking at the achievements of vaccination as well as future challenges.

The editorial – Modern heroes: the great achievements of vaccines are not confined to the past – neatly sums up vaccination in the early 21st century: “the undiminished promise of vaccines, and the factors that threaten it – complacency, funding shortages and the unease that vaccines provoke in so many people.”

Other features include:

  • Heidi Larson & Isaac Ghinai: Lessons from Polio Eradication
  • Rino Rappuoli & Alan Aderem: A 2020 vision for vaccines against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria
  • Julie Leask: Target the fence-sitters
  • The Case of Measles
  • Comments

    1. felecia McDonald

      felecia McDonald

      June 16th, 2011


      How can I retrieve a copy of the Special edition on Vaccines?

      Thank you,
