New electronic vaccine record launched in Switzerland

Gary Finnegan

Gary Finnegan

May 25th, 2011

Gary Finnegan

‘As EU officials consider introducing a ‘vaccine passport’ for children, a new Swiss website has been launched which helps families to create an electronic vaccination record. ’

Electronic-vaccine-recordThe new website,, is a free service which allows people to create a secure personal record of their vaccination status and to receive notification – by text message or email – when a vaccine is due.

It also provides advice on which vaccines are required and is available in four languages: English, French, German and Italian. Users can also download a free app which has been custom-built for iPhones.

A similar system has been developed in Ireland where the website,, recently launched a Child Immunisation Tracker app, with the support of the Irish Minister for Health, along with professional medical associations.

Time for an EU-wide system?

These projects come while officials in Brussels are working on a proposal for a European-wide . This system would help families who move within Europe to ensure their children do not miss out on vaccines.

A number of European countries and regions – including Luxembourg and Flanders in Belgium – have their own systems for monitoring immunisation, with a range of paper and electronic records in use.

However, language barriers and differences in the vaccine schedule from one region to the next mean such documents are not always useful when travelling. The European Commission’s idea would be to have a language-neutral document which could be understood by health professionals across the 27 member states.

Last month, Dr Milan Cabrnoch, an MEP and paediatrician, told Vaccines Today that vaccination status should become part of . He said this would help patients and doctors to ensure children did not miss out on important immunisations.


  1. Mindano Iha

    Mindano Iha

    June 5th, 2011

    Vaccination passports may seem like a good idea, but the consequences may be unknown. They may be used to exert unnecessary and even illegal control over people.

    Vaccinations are becoming more mandatory with time and we are gradually losing our rights regarding ourselves and our children.

    The fact that vaccines are not completely safe should mean that we must be legally permitted to choose, for each specific vaccine. whether or not we wish to take them.

    Vaccination should be voluntary, based on informed consent. This implies than information should be satisfactorhy and unbiased, a situation where there is much room for improvement.

    The time is ripe for there to be an international and legal declaration stating that we personally own our bodies.

    • Anonymous


      August 9th, 2021

      This aged wonderfully

  2. Erwin Alber

    Erwin Alber

    June 5th, 2011

    As far as I am concerned, vaccination is an organised criminal enterprise dressed up as disease prevention. The proposed passport system is just another harassment device
    to promote this revolting and dangerous vaccination money-making racket.

  3. Maurine Meleck

    Maurine Meleck

    June 5th, 2011

    Before this comes to pass-we need that fully vaccinated vs fully unvaccinated study done. How else can they prove vaccines are safe??????

  4. Gary Finnegan

    Gary Finnegan

    June 6th, 2011

    @Mindano Iha: Just to be clear, this ‘vaccine passport’ (if it were to happen) would be voluntary. It wouldn’t be needed for transport, it’s just an aide to help parents record vaccines and health professionals understand what vaccines a child has had.

    I don’t think that you are confused but just want to make the point that the use of the term ‘passport’ might cause some confusion in the general public.