UNICEF boosts global vaccine plan

Editorial Team

Editorial Team

February 8th, 2012

Editorial Team

‘UNICEF is planning a major expansion of its global immunisation programme in an effort to stamp out preventable diseases in the world’s poorest countries.’

This post was published on February 8, 2012 and may be out of date

Global-vaccine-planThe UN agency already delivers vaccines worth around €575 million annually but plans to triple the capacity of bits immunisation scheme over the next five years.

UNICEF says vaccination is at the heart of its mission to protect children from life-threatening diseases “to ensure they have the chance to reach their full potential”.

“We need to strengthen what we do, so that the role that we and governments play in delivering immunization is much more solid,” said UNICEF Chief of Immunization Jos Vandelaer.

He said the basis of existing programme was designed in the 1970s and should now be revamped to take account of scientific advances and improved systems for storing and supplying vaccines.

“There are 20 per cent of children every year who don’t get immunized, they are usually among the poorest, the more marginalized,” Dr. Vandelaer said. “We can use this know-how to bring the vaccines to those children.”

VIDEO: UNICEF to expand vaccination programme
